mardi 2 juillet 2013


4x6 Destiny's Child

She dreams of days to come
Of better years and yesterdays begone
And yet she sits at the same loom
Day after day in the same room
Weaving the same gloom

She says things happen for a reason

And on the floor lie yarns
Of colourful wools
Untouched and hopeful
Limitless designs of marvel
Promises of days bright and warm

She says there is no coincidence
That if there is to be relief
There has to be pain and grief
So she bows her head in acceptance
Of the fate she weaves in dark belief

She works silently at her loom
And wets the threads of her tomorrows
With tears of illusions assumed
 Dreams of multicolored blooms
Of spring humming after winter bellows

She says things happen for a reason
The words of the song have all been writen

And she suffers in obedience


4 commentaires:

Nathalie C. a dit...
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Nathalie C. a dit...

Je cherche des mots, autres que: WOW!!


Renata a dit...

Tu m'jettes à terre mon frère.

Anonyme a dit...

C'est tellement beau..
L'oeuvre et le texte.
C'est tellement un autre monde
chu s'ul cul ben raid